Sunday, August 05, 2012

Laura Cantrell - "Trains and Boats and Planes" ep

There's something about Laura Cantrell, I've never been able to put my finger on it - her music is so seemingly unassuming, and yet so invariably wonderful. Anyhow, this is a typically lovely one from her, released a few years back (2008). All of its songs are good, including the New Order cover ("Love Vigilantes" - great song title).

From her website:

So what is an urban, country singing mom to do? Turn to the solace of her band of course! On lucky days I took refuge in the company of music friends in NY, wringing every bit of feeling I could out of songs we’d been playing live in places like Mo Pitkins House of Satisfaction (now dearly departed) and 11th Street Bar. “Trains and planes are passing by, they mean a trip to Paris or Rome, for someone else but not for me.” Like an adolescent with a newly broken heart, all these traveling songs began to sound like they were written just for me, “Train, Train don’t leave me, train of Life.” I’m not sure who suggested it, but I decided to record a few of those traveling tunes using “Trains And Boats And Planes” as a theme for a set of music.