Wednesday, August 02, 2006

100 favourite songs: #96: "I Know I Know I Know" - Tegan and Sara

It's just the most irresistibly (and why would you want to resist it?) goshdarned gorgeous thing - totally cute (love their voices and the way that every note of the music is just right) and shamelessly sweet and über-melodic (in a 'takes you over almost without you realising' kind of way) and all that stuff ("Stick your hands inside of my pockets,/Keep them warm while I'm still here..."'s all in the way that it's sung) makes me happy. If there was any justice, this would've been a number one hit on pop charts all over the world. - 29/9/05

Because I didn't hear a cuter or more catchy song all year, nor one that was more liable to make me feel happy in a slightly light-headed, silly kinda way. (And for another reason that we don't need to go into here...) - 16/1/06

When I’d finished what was more or less the first cut of this list, I looked it over and thought (amongst other things, of which more to follow later, obviously) that surely “I Know I Know I Know” couldn’t be one of my hundred favourite songs — it just didn’t make sense. But pop music isn’t supposed to make sense, and the thing about the feelings induced by the best pop songs is that, even as you know that they’re not going to last, you still wholeheartedly believe that they will.

Above all else, this is a gorgeous, uplifting song, but I always listen to it with a pang of wistfulness, too. Sometimes a song just comes at the right time.