Thursday, September 29, 2005

Tegan & Sara - "I Know I Know I Know" (and other current favourites)

Alright, I just have to write about this song.

I've been listening to it for the last month or so, and every time I hear it, it's a little bit more delightful - for goodness sakes, I even had a 'Tegan & Sara' moment a little while back, driving with the windows down and "I Know I Know I Know" soundtracking my sense of a momentarily snatched freedom. What to say? It's just the most irresistibly (and why would you want to resist it?) goshdarned gorgeous thing - totally cute (love their voices and the way that every note of the music is just right) and shamelessly sweet and über-melodic (in a 'takes you over almost without you realising' kind of way) and all that stuff ("Stick your hands inside of my pockets,/Keep them warm while I'm still here..."'s all in the way that it's sung) makes me happy. If there was any justice, this would've been a number one hit on pop charts all over the world.

You can - and should - download it here.

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Well, I've put my head down a bit with this Thesis business lately, so there hasn't been as much music listening as usual, of either the 'proper' or 'background''s been more short, sharp bursts, which usually translates to individual songs rather than albums. But, in any case, leading the charge with Tegan & Sara have been Clap Your Hands Say Yeah's simply splendid "Upon This Tidal Wave Of Young Blood" (here), Sons and Daughters' "Dance Me In" (here) and various Neil Young (plus snatches of Humming By The Flowered Vine); also, the other night I downloaded some Stars (have lost the link, though), and am particularly liking "Celebration Guns", which reminds me a lot of the wonderful "Anthems For A Seventeen Year Old Girl" (easily the best song on You Forgot It In People, an album that was, incidentally, way overrated).